Tag Archives: Victoria BC

December Meeting

Due to inclement weather – it’s shaping up to be another SNOWMAGEDDON out there – we’re cancelling our in-person December meeting in favour of a Zoom meeting. We hope you’ll join us tomorrow night at 7:30 on Zoom.

When: Tuesday, December 20th, at 7:30 pm

Where: Zoom

Our dedicated club secretary has already sent out the newsletter with all the details you’ll need to attend the meeting. If for any reason you don’t receive it, please check your spam folder and if that yields no result, contact secretary@victoriamagiccircle.com to be added to the list and request a copy.

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November Meeting

We hope you’ll join us Tuesday night at 7:30 in Fernwood at our new location for the club’s monthly meeting. For any member unable to join us in person, we’ll have a camera setup so you’ll be able to join us on Zoom. No matter how you attend, we look forward to seeing you.

Tuesday, November 15th, at 7:30 pm

1923 Fernwood Rd.

Our dedicated club secretary has already sent out the newsletter with all the details you’ll need to attend the meeting. If for any reason you don’t receive it, please check your spam folder and if that yields no result, contact secretary@victoriamagiccircle.com to be added to the list and request a copy.

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October Meeting

We hope you’ll join us tomorrow night at 7:30 in Fernwood at our new location for the club’s monthly meeting. For any member unable to join us in person, we’ll have a camera setup so you’ll be able to join us on Zoom. No matter how you attend, we look forward to seeing you.

Tuesday, October 11th, at 7:30 pm

1923 Fernwood Rd.

Our dedicated club secretary is hard-at-work putting together a newsletter with all the details you’ll need to attend the meeting. Please be patient and look for that to arrive in your inbox before Tuesday. If for any reason you don’t receive it, please check your spam folder and if that yields no result, contact secretary@victoriamagiccircle.com to be added to the list and request a copy.

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September Meeting – IN PERSON!

BIG NEWS! We’re bringing back in-person meetings for the first time in almost two years. The club has a new location and renewed optimism for the year ahead; we hope you’ll join us on Tuesday at 7:30 in Fernwood to help kick things off. For any member unable to join us in person, we’re working on setting up a camera at the meeting, so you’ll be able to join us on Zoom. No matter how you attend, we look forward to seeing you.

*Please note that our September meeting is on the first Tuesday of the month, not the second.

Tuesday, September 6th, at 7:30 pm

1923 Fernwood Rd.

Our dedicated club secretary is hard-at-work putting together a newsletter with all the details you’ll need to attend the meeting. Please be patient and look for that to arrive in your inbox before Tuesday. If for any reason you don’t receive it, please check your spam folder and if that yields no result, contact secretary@victoriamagiccircle.com to be added to the list and request a copy.

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